
Spade comes with a built-in scraper to crawl websites. It crawls all urls given by a text file via command line args, as well as 1-level-deep links within each site. It saves html, css, and javascript from the pages using whatever user agents are specified in the database.

Using the scraper

  1. Add user agent strings that you would like to crawl with by running the management command:

    python useragents --add "Firefox / 15.0" --desktop
    python useragents --add "Fennec / 15.0" --primary
    python useragents --add "Android / WebKit"

    Detecting UA-sniffing issues requires at least three user-agents to be added: a desktop user-agent to be used as baseline, a “primary” mobile user agent (the one we want to make sure sites are sniffing, if they sniff mobile UAs at all), and at least one other mobile UA to check against. A “UA sniffing issue” will be reported for a URL if that URL returns markedly different content for any non-primary mobile UA (compared to the desktop UA content), but returns the desktop content for the primary mobile UA.

  2. Call the scrape command, giving it a text file of URLs to parse:

    python scrape [newline delimited text file of URLS]